The Tree of Widsdom


Export options ($blogExpOpt)

Sorted by the vertical order of webpage elements

Table of Contents

Formal structuring of your webpages is controlled almost entirely by $blogExpOpt. $blogExpOpt is a set-type attribute so clicking on options in the popup menu will add or subtract options from your collection.

Here they are listen in order from top to bottom:

Export options that are “prior to” the post

These are export options that determine how the webpage as a whole is exported.


Permits export of this note

Scope:   self


Exports all descendants of a topmost container

Scope:   all descendants of Blog POSTS and Blog PAGES


Forces note to export as its own webpage

Scope:   self (sub-posts only)


Exports note as footnote

Scope:   self (sub-posts only)


Suppresses note’s inclusion in (ancestor’s) Table of Contents

Scope:   self (as sub-post only)


Full suppression (both export and inclusion in Table of Contents)

Scope:   self (sub-posts only)


Suppresses text in teaser

Scope:   self (as teaser)


Suppresses featured image from SmartButton

Scope:   self

Width and Sidebar Control

Export options for the navbar

Export options for page content

Listed here in top-to-bottom order

Export options for child inclusion control

Export COMPILE options

Export NOCOMPILE options