The Tree of Widsdom


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Prototype samples

How do the various BoxPress prototypes look when exported together as SmartButtons? This page exports the nine content prototypes one after the other as SmartButtons. These are copies of actual content notes that a have been (comically) renamed to prevent conflict.

Feel free to click through to see how the prototypes export as full webpages.

I am a sample normal_note

2016.06.26 – …

I am a sample audio_note

Demo thing
I am a sample code_note

This code note has been made for demo purposes

Syntax: filename, title, [class, href, width]

I am a sample person_note

1547 – 1637

I am a sample person_note with image

1547 – 1637


I am a sample article_note

Antonuccio, David O. & Danton, William G. (1995). Therapy Versus Meds for Depression.


I am a sample quote_note

H. P. Lovecraft. The Haunter of the Dark


I am a sample quote_ana_note

Franz Mesmer. On the Influence of the Planets on the Human Body

Same as above with prototype set to normal_note


350 BCE – 1858

I am a sample event_note


LinkMap: Prototypes


FillMap: Prototypes

Prototype comparison samples