The Tree of Widsdom


Arrange your workspace

Meet the BoxPress “Windows Three”

When you open BoxPress.tbx, three windows will emerge:

  1. Utility Window. The Utility Window controls your user experience—with tabs for Prototypes, Agents, and DisplayExpressions.
  2. Export Window. The Export Window controls all things export—with tabs for Dash: Styles, Dash: Directories, CSS, Templates, and Boilerplate.
  3. Content Window. The Content Window is your Planet Focus—with tabs for BlogTopNote, Pages, and Posts. Lots of space for new tabs: just hit the New Tab button.

To set-up the Perfect Writing Environment, arrange them with the Utility Window in the bottom-left, the Export Window in the upper-left, and the Content Window in the upper-right (hover over the image below to reveal the Utility Window):

Utility Window in the bottom-left, Export Window in the upper-left, and Content Window in the upper-right.
Utility Window in the bottom-left, Export Window in the upper-left, and Content Window in the upper-right.

Utility Window

Here are your Prototypes, your Agents, and (most importantly) your Display Expressions.

Prototypes Tab

Agents Tab

Display Expressions Tab

Export Window

The WYSIWYG Styles Dash, the Directories Dash, CSS, Templates, and Boilerplate. Everything you need to totally manhandle the appearance and structure of your export is here.

Additionally, the rightmost tab is set either to root or to an HTML Imagemap. The Export Window is a great place to (1) hold up information to compare with the Content Window, or (2) hold a large Map View without moving your Content Window.

Content Window

The Content Window is where you will do your writing. Your main content tabs are here—

  •  BlogTopNote—The top of your content hierarchy.
  • Blog PAGES—Use for complex, granular, or large-scale projects.
  • Blog POSTS—Use for shorter and stand-alone essays that can sit side-by-side inside of a category page.

I keep the first three tabs set to their defaults. When I want to zoom in and work on something, I click the Add new tab (+) button and then zoom in from there. It’s nice to be able to zoom-up to POSTS and PAGES without having to lose your place, so I always keep the first three up for navigation.