The Tree of Widsdom


Prototypes Tab

From the Prototypes Tab you control every attribute of your notes. As you can see, there are three notes that have no prototype. These are your main prototypes—normal_note, util_note, and dash_note.

The BoxPress prototypes.
The BoxPress prototypes.

The other prototypes inherit from the three main prototypes. Most of your other prototypes inherit from normal_note. All of your content notes will be instances of either normal_note or a prototype that inherits from normal_note.

Your prototypes are arranged in order of content relevance because the order you have here determines the order in the prototype popup menu:

  • Main Prototypes (2)
  • Research Prototypes (6)
  • Mapmaking Prototypes (3)
  •  … and all the rest.

One good use of the Prototypes Tab is to set-up which of the display expression elements are active on which prototypes:

An easy way to set-up the display expression triggers.
An easy way to set-up the display expression triggers.