Q & A for Beginners

Wellcome to BoxPress "Q & A for Beginners"

If you do nothing, your note will export as PAGES and POSTS inside a blog with automatic Home, Categories, and Archives pages.

I try to change my blog DATE from「10月 12, 1875」 using [Opt+Cmnd+I] (「Get Info」> attributes > user > blogDATE >「2017年6月10日」


POSTS are compiled by default—non-compiled segments only last for one unit of outline depth. POSTS revert to compilation.

I try changing again (my blog DATE from10月 12, 1875).

This time using [Opt+Cmnd+I] (Get Info> attributes」>「Events」>「StartDate」>「2017610日」

.... I got it, now !!

This POST uses the NOCOMPILE export option for Sub-post I.A.1 and Sub-post I.A.3. As a result, the children of these notes appear as SmartButtons—but their descendants revert to being compiled again.

These explorer notes use a display expression display expression that spells-out their export options.

Experiment by adding the NOCOMPILE export option to any of the sub-posts and watch the new export.

Navigation Bar

This is text from Navigation Bar.

Q : When I open the Home Page,

which page is displayed first ?

A : Do you find the First Page with NavigationBar as below ?

BlogTopNote appears in your navbar as “Home”
img-small img-left

Your navbar is determined by the children of BlogNavBar.

img-small img-left


This is text from ChangingTheme.

Theme Management Widget is

img-small img-left

Theme Folder Widget (dashThemeDir), enter the name of the folder (not the path)

img-small img-left

This folder img/BoxPressThemes that has five files.






Let’s load one of the preset themes.

img-small img-left


Open the Theme Manager

you just hit (using ⌥⌘X).


choose LOAD from the pop-up list:

img-small img-left


Then select the Themein the $LoadRuleFrom key attribute

(use the pop-up list):

img-small img-left


Now uncheck $RuleDisabled:

img-small img-left

Background Color

This is text from Background Color.

Q : How can I change my Background Color?

A 1: Do you want whole your site ?

A 1-1: Just add BKG-COLOR to the $blogBkgOpt of normal_note.(prototype)

My $blogExpOpt is normal (empty).

Changing Color bis

This is text from Changing Color bis.

Q : How can I change my Background Color?

A 2 : (If you have already includes BKG-COLOR)

A 2-1 : Just give the protptype(e.g. : cat-note) in question a new $blogBkgColor.
Adds colored Text

This is text from Adds colored Text.

∧do( Color, color, text )∧

Type: Macro

Purpose: Adds coloured text

Example :

You will notice that the middle of this sentence is colored red while the remainder is not. And the middle of this sentence is colored violet while the remainder is not.


This is text from counterpoint.

If you want to bring structure of the sentence into clear view.

Inside the frameTableHere
pull quoteQuotePull
text inside a yellow wellWellYell

Background images

This is text from Background images.

You can add other image files to your Theme Folders.

My $blogExpOpt is normal (empty).

Theme files

This is text from Theme files.

There are five mandatory theme files—

theme files
1. BannerImage.png
2. BannerTexture.png
3. BodyImage.png
4. BodyTexture.png
5. FooterImage.png

My $blogExpOpt is NOCOMPILE.

Page element option

Page Compile or NonCompile


This is text from Differences.

My $blogExpOpt is normal (empty).


This is text from $blogBkgOpt.

Q : Differences between [non-compile] and [compile] about HTML export?

A 1: [non-compile] is the title and text of its descendants are appended to it according to their outline order.

(a piece of writing that is dated and contained inside a category.)

A 2: [Compile] is a container and its descendants on one page.

(add COMPILE to that container’s $blogExpOpt.)

$blogBkgOpt bis

This is text from $blogBkgOpt bis.

Q : How and where can I find $blogBkgOpt ?

A : To access $blogUnderOpt as a key attribute, run the Keys•Basic stamp.

per the reference

TBX structure

This is text from TBX structure.

My $blogExpOpt is NOCOMPILE.

note structure

exported file structure

How to export

This is text from How to export.

TBX run File > Export > as HTML.

How to export bis

This is text from How to export bis.

Tinderbox, select it and run File > Export Selected Note.

When you execute the export, only the selected note will be exported