Template: bstTextRich
Syntax: ^include(notename, bstTextRich)^
Type: Template
Purpose: Includes a note as seamless rich text
To include the rich text of a single note, use ^include(
, bstTextRich)^
. This simply applies the ^text^
export code. The note’s title is ignored.
The bstTextRich template includes both the visible styling (italics, boldface, underline) and the before-and-after HTML tags in the note’s HTML Attribute Group. (There are only two prototypes that take currently advantage of this—quote_note and quote_ana_note.)
bstTextRich is ideal for inserting text seamlessly and allows for even greater separation of presentation and content. Your organization system can be utterly modular while yet exporting as a single and uninterrupted manuscript.
This is the markup that is rendered below
An included person_note: ^include("I am a sample person_note with image", bstTextRich)^ An included quote_note: ^include("I am a sample quote_note", bstTextRich)^ An included code_note: ^include("I am a sample code_note", bstTextRich)^ This is text from the “current” note. Notice the seamless integration.
An included person_note:
English follower of Paracelsus. People have the qualities of a magnet and that when two people meet, an interactive magnetic field arises.
An included quote_note:
Before he realised it, he was looking at the stone again, and letting its curious influence call up a nebulous pageantry in his mind. He saw processions of robed, hooded figures whose outlines were not human, and looked on endless leagues of desert lined with carved, sky-reaching monoliths. He saw towers and walls in nighted depths under the sea, and vortices of space where wisps of black mist floated before thin shimmerings of cold purple haze. And beyond all else he glimpsed an infinite gulf of darkness, where solid and semi-solid forms were known only by their windy stirrings, and cloudy patterns of force seemed to superimpose order on chaos and hold forth a key to all the paradoxes and arcana of the worlds we know.
An included code_note:
The MediaDemo demothing is a nonexistent macro that I have invented for purposes of showing its layout. I’m not sure what else I can say here. How about something about a semantic <figure> element whose title argument supplies the tool-tip text and the alternative text as well as a caption?
Hover below to reveal BoxPress code
Here is some plausible Tinderbox code. ^do(_striptags, "$2")^<figure ^if($3)^class="center-block $3"^endIf^><a target="_blank" href=^if($4)^"$4"^else^"^root^img/$1"^endIf^><img src="^root^img/$1" alt="^value($tmpStr1(_stripnote))^" title="^value($tmpStr1(_stripnote))^" ^if($5)^width="$5"^endIf^ class="img-responsive center-block well well-sm ^if($3)^^value("$3".replace("(img-left|img-right)","))^^endIf^"></a><figcaption>$2</figcaption></figure>"
This is text from the “current” note. Notice the seamless integration.