The Tree of Widsdom



^do( IncChild, [sibling order] )^

Type: Macro

Purpose: Embeds a note’s child by sibling order

This is a special convenience for ^include(notename, bstSub)^ and can be used just in case the note you want to include is one of the “current” note’s children.

If no index is given, an index of 1 is assumed and the first child is used. For every index used in the “current” export, that a child is subtracted from the SmartButtons (or compiled text) that would normally be appended during export.

It is the BoxPress way to carry a collection of related notes inside a project note as children. Or use aliases, which better preserves the resources you’ve organized so well in dedicated containers. Maybe one in 10 of these children will be included; the rest are for thinking. Great—you can place them as you like by with a mere index! You are in no way committed to exporting them all. Just use the NOKIDS export option.

Hover below to reveal BoxPress code

^if($1)^^action($tmpLst1=collect_if(children,$SiblingOrder=$1,$Name))^^else^^action($tmpLst1=collect_if(children,$SiblingOrder=1,$Name))^^endIf^^text("^value($tmpLst1)^", bstTextRich)^^action($tmpStr1($$Name)^
IncChild sample

Here is the outline structure of the note you are now reading:

An easy way to modularize your work is to keep children inside of it that you can embed in any order, using IncChild.

I will now embed these children as I see fit, in any order, and the embedded ones will be removed from the SmartButtons at the end. Showing the unused children in this way is incredibly useful; and doing so lets you use export for editing and thinking. For a final export, use the NOKIDS export option to prevent this.

This is the markup that is rendered below

^do(IncChild, 4)^
^do(IncChild, 5)^
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. 
^do(IncChild, 8)^
This is text from the “current” note. Notice the seamless integration.

English follower of Paracelsus. People have the qualities of a magnet and that when two people meet, an interactive magnetic field arises.

Abstract: Antidepressant medications are the most popular treatment for unipolar depression in the United States, although there may be safer alternatives that are equally or more effective. This article reviews a wide range of well-controlled studies comparing psychological and pharmacological treatments for depression. The evidence suggests that the psychological interventions, particularly cognitive–behavioral therapy, are at least as effective as medication in the treatment of depression, even if severe. These conclusions hold for both vegetative and social adjustment symptoms, especially when patient-rated measures are used and long-term follow-up is considered. Some aspirational guidelines for the treatment of depression are proposed.

Insight-oriented psychotherapy was the least effective on most outcome measures at both evaluation periods; 30% of those patients remained in the moderate to severe range of depression, in comparison with 19% of those in the control condition. There were no significant differences between drug therapy and relaxation therapy on any outcome measure. No treatment had a significantly better outcome with the severely depressed subgroup (McLean & Taylor, 1992).

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

<^text(IncChild sample,):: text tries to include itself >

This is text from the “current” note. Notice the seamless integration.

I am a sample normal_note

2016.06.26 – …

I am a sample audio_note

Demo thing
I am a sample code_note

This code note has been made for demo purposes

Syntax: filename, title, [class, href, width]


I am a sample quote_note

H. P. Lovecraft. The Haunter of the Dark