The Tree of Widsdom


From note to note via dragging

The structure of this webpage. You can see the basic link arrows on each note icon.
The structure of this webpage. You can see the basic link arrows on each note icon.

You can create note-to-note links by dragging from a note’s link widget to a target note. If the target note is visible inside the current View Pane, you can drag directly. Otherwise, drag to the View Pane link parking space, and then navigate to your target (possibly in another tab) and drag from the parking space to the target.

This will create a basic link. Basic links will appear in a Related Links panel at the bottom of the webpage—and also at the bottom of each sub-page.

Each of the children of this note has a basic link heading somewhere. These basic links will appear in light-colored panels. This note also has a basic link to the note BoxPress Learning Center. Refer to the featured image above to see the structure of this webpage.

There is an export option related to basic links: INLINKS.

Basic link demo: level 2

New code ensures that basic links work at every level of nesting! My basic link—and those of my descendants—all point to the BoxPress: FAQ note.

Basic link demo: level 3

Basic link demo: level 4

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