The Tree of Widsdom


Copy View as Image and crop in Preview

When you are happy with your work, do Edit > Copy View as Image, open the Mac OS program Preview, and do File > New from Clipboard:

After hitting <kbd>⇧⌘C</kbd>, switching to <b>Preview</b>, and then hitting <kbd>⇧⌘N</kbd>.
After hitting ⇧⌘C, switching to Preview, and then hitting ⇧⌘N.

Now change the Format to JPEG and save somewhere inside img/IMAGEMAPS. I’m using a subfolder here:

Set Format and save somewhere inside img/IMAGEMAPS/.
Set Format and save somewhere inside img/IMAGEMAPS/.

Place your crop rectangle exactly on the outside of the border:

In reality I zoomed in so I could get exactly on the outer edge.
In reality I zoomed in so I could get exactly on the outer edge.

Then hit ⌘K to crop and ⌘S to save again:
