Tutorial: Making a multi-depth OutMap
It is only when making an OutMap with multiple depths that the stamp really shines. In the previous tutorial we made a flat OutMap—that is, an OutMap linking to notes all on the same depth (as is required for originals). Let us now make a multi-depth OutMap. I’ll pick a note with reasonable complexity, the BoxPress SmartExpressions webpage:
First, we need to make the mapping playground:
Double-click it to bring your playground to the top of the Outline View . Then set its prototype to one of the MapMaker Prototypes. Since we’re going to use the OutMaker Control Panel, let’s choose outmaker_note:
If you like, you can switch to Map View you can verify that the necessary origin_adorn has been automatically made:
Now, go to the source container will you be OutMapping in Outline View (so you can see multiple depths), select the notes you want in the OutMap, and hit ⌘L to create aliases. Let’s make a
Immediately hit ⌘X to cut the aliases, and then paste them inside your Mapmaker container:
While still in Outline View, invoke the OutMaker Control Panel by selecting the topmost container and hitting ⌥⌘X. Set the $outSource
attribute to the original container whose descendants you are OutMapping:
Now change to Map View, select all, and run the stamp. Running the stamp with the default settings yields this:
The columns are too asymmetrical. The default value of $outRowMax
doesn’t look good with 15 notes. Let’s change it to 8 and run the stamp again:
Now just adjust the origin_adorn and the structure is done:
Two stylistic problems remain. First, the SmartExpression count segment should be removed. Second, the font is scrawny and italicized. Just run one of the MapStyle stamps:
Don’t forget that you can change the $Color
value for h1 (depth=1) and h2 (depth=2) notes. Here, I have set both to the palest green and yellow crayons in the Color Picker:
When you are happy with your work, do Edit > Copy View as Image, open the Mac OS program Preview, and do File > New from Clipboard:
Now change the Format to JPEG and save somewhere inside img/IMAGEMAPS. I’m using a subfolder here. I’m giving the file a meaningful name: SmartExpressionsTOC.jpg:
Now zoom in a bit so you can place your crop rectangle exactly on the outside of the border:
Then hit ⌘K to crop and ⌘S to save again:
If you look at your source notes you’ll notice that your note colors have been changed. No problem—just select them and run the stamp to return all appearance elements to their defaults:
Now select the Source Container and run the stamp so that you can image key attributes. Set the $blogMapView
to the container’s own name, and $blogMapJPG
to the name of the JPEG you cropped and saved in Preview:
Actual result
Here is the result: