The Tree of Widsdom


Exporting your new CSS

The changes you have made in the Styles Dash will not take effect until you export the two CSS notes, blog-main and blog-extra. You can do this either by exporting the whole blog (hit ⇧⌘H) or by exporting the CSS notes individually. For your convenience, aliases to blog-main and blog-extra have been placed in the upper right of the dash.

Alias export location alert!
Simply selecting one of the CSS aliases in the Styles Dash and then exporting it will not work. You have to select the original first (hit ⇧⌘R) and then export it by running File > Export Selected Note. If you export an alias, Tinderbox will calculate paths (such as ^url()^) from the position of that note and not the original. So click on the CSS tab and export from there.

CSS styles that are not represented inside the Styles Dash can be accessed by opening the CSS files and editing them. If you open these notes you will see the export code that incorporates your Styles Dash settings. It has been highlighted as green text. To activate any changes you’ve made, select the note and run File > Export Selected Note.

How it works