^do( Table, caption, head, Mac OS table )^
Type: Macro
Purpose: Translates a Mac OS table into an HTML table
Now it’s even easier to export a table. BoxPress can now convert standard Mac OS tables (Format > Text > Table …) into responsive HTML tables. Just use the new Table macro.
Besides readability, the Table macro has another advantage over the TableHere macro—it lets you insert multiple paragraphs inside a cell.
- Arg1 (caption): The 1st arg is your table caption.
- Arg2 (head): The 2nd arg is the table header. Separate your head cells with with the vertical bar ( | ) character.
- Arg3 (Mac OS table): Make a Mac OC table. Talk about human readable!
Special options:
- To make an empty cell, place a non-breaking space in the cell by hitting ⌥ SPACE.
- To include multiple paragraphs inside a cell, append a ¶ to every paragraph except the last.
- To include a web link inside your table, spell it out explicitly using single quotes. For example:
Make your intra-table links like this
<a href=''>Here is a link.</a>
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^action($MyString(bstVAR )="$3")^ ^action($tmpNum1(bstVAR)="$2".split("\|").count)^ ^action($tmpStr1(bstVAR)=; $tmpStr2(bstVAR)=; $tmpStr3(bstVAR)=; $tmpCount(bstVAR)=;)^ ^action($tmpStr1(bstVAR)="$2".replace("\|", "</th><th>"))^ ^action($tmpStr2(bstVAR)="$3")^ ^action($tmpStr2(bstVAR)=$tmpStr2(bstVAR).replace("\`</p> <p>", ""))^ ^action($tmpStr2(bstVAR)=$tmpStr2(bstVAR).replace("¶</p> <p>", "@intra@"))^ ^action($Subtitle(bstVAR)=$tmpStr2(bstVAR))^ ^action($tmpStr2(bstVAR)=$tmpStr2(bstVAR).replace("<p>", "<td>"))^ ^action($tmpStr2(bstVAR)=$tmpStr2(bstVAR).replace("</p>", "</td>@para@"))^ ^action($tmpStr2(bstVAR)=$tmpStr2(bstVAR).replace(";", "@semi@"))^ ^action($tmpCount(bstVAR)=;)^ ^action($tmpLst1(bstVAR)=$tmpStr2(bstVAR).split("@para@"))^ ^action($tmpStr2(bstVAR).split("@para@").each(X){ $tmpCount(bstVAR)=$tmpCount(bstVAR)+1; $tmpStr3(bstVAR)=$tmpStr3(bstVAR) + X + (if((mod($tmpCount(bstVAR),$tmpNum1(bstVAR)))==0){"</tr><tr>"});})^ ^action($tmpStr4(bstVAR)=$tmpStr3(bstVAR))^ ^action($tmpStr3(bstVAR)=$tmpStr3(bstVAR).replace("<tr><td>\$", ""))^ ^action($tmpStr3(bstVAR)=$tmpStr3(bstVAR).replace("@semi@", ";"))^ ^action($tmpStr3(bstVAR)=$tmpStr3(bstVAR).replace("@intra@", "</p> <p>"))^ <div class="table-responsive"> <table class="table small"> <caption>^value("$1")^</caption> <thead><tr><th>^value($tmpStr1(bstVAR))^</th></tr></thead> <tbody><tr><td>^value($tmpStr3(bstVAR))^</tbody> </table> </div>
Table sample
This is the markup that is rendered below
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Stage | Age | Ero-zone | Results if fixated |
Oral | 0–18 months | Mouth | Oral aggressive |
Anal | 18–36 months | Bowel and bladder | Anal retentive (compulsive)
Anal expulsive (self-indulgent) |
Phallic | 3–6 years | Genitals | Oedipus complex |
Latency | 6–puberty | (dormant sexual desire) | Perpetual sexual dissatisfaction |
Genital | puberty–death | Genitals embellished | Impotence/frigidity |
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.