The Tree of Widsdom



^do( MediaThumbs, grid-specs, filename+tab+caption )^

Type: Macro

Purpose: Embeds thumbnail images

The MediaThumbs macro inserts thumbnail images that change size and number-in-row according to browser width.

The markup requires a bit of Bootstrapgefühl. To refresh your grasp of the Bootstrap grid system, check out About the Bootstrap grid system.

Hover below to reveal BoxPress code

^action($tmpStr4=$Path(current).replace("/[^/]+", "../").replace("\`\.\./", "");$tmpStr1="$2".replace("(<p>|</p>)", "").replace("\`
","").replace(";", "@semi@");$tmpLst1=$tmpStr1.split("
");$tmpNum1=count($tmpLst1);$tmpStr3="";$tmpLst1.each(X){$tmpLst2= X.split("	+");$tmpStr1=$;$tmpStr2=$"@semi@", ";");$MyString=$tmpStr2.replace("(<b>|</b>|<i>|</i>|<code>|</code>|<kbd>|</kbd>)", ""); $tmpStr3=$tmpStr3 + ’<div class="$1"><div class="thumbnail"><a href="’ + $tmpStr4 + ’img/’ + $tmpStr1 + ’"><img src="’ + $tmpStr4 + ’img/’ + $tmpStr1 + ’" alt="’ + $MyString + ’" title="’ + $MyString + ’"></a></div><div class="caption"><p>’ + $tmpStr2 + ’</p></div></div>’})^<div class="row gallery m-t-img m-b-md">^value($tmpStr3)^</div>

MediaThumbs sample

This makes thumbnails two-across the container for all widths.

^do(MediaThumbs, "col-xs-6", "
sf_Craft.png	The Craft segment
sf_Health.png	The Health segment
sf_Magic.png	The Magic segment
sf_Safety.png	The Safety segment")^

This makes thumbnails two-across the container for all widths under medium (992px), and four-across when the container gets wider than this.

^do(MediaThumbs, "col-xs-6 col-md-3", "
sf_Craft.png	The Craft segment
sf_Health.png	The Health segment
sf_Magic.png	The Magic segment
sf_Safety.png	The Safety segment")^

This makes thumbnails two-across when > xs, three-across when > sm (768px), four-across when > md (992px), and finally six-across when > lg (1200px).

^do(MediaThumbs, "col-xs-6 col-sm-4 col-md-3 col-lg-2", "
aurora_dracula.jpg	Dracula.
aurora_frankenstein.jpg	Frankenstein.
aurora_godzilla.jpg	Godzilla.
aurora_hunchback.jpg	Quasimodo.
aurora_hyde.jpg	Dr. Jekyll as Mr. Hyde.
aurora_kong.jpg	King Kong.
aurora_phantom.jpg	Phantom of the Opera.
aurora_prisoner.jpg	King Kong.
aurora_wolfman.jpg	Wolfman.")^