About date formats
The default BoxPress date format for your posts is "MM d, y"
which produces 3月 12, 2017 as the exported date string. The format string is embedded inside a larger bit of code, which I have placed in the previous sentence as well. The full bit of export code is ^value(date("today").format("MM d, y"))^
Here are the ingredients you can use to export an alternatively formatted date:
MONTH MM: full name of month ▶︎ April M: three-char name of month ▶︎ Apr m: number of month ▶︎ 4 M0: two-digit number of month (zero-padded) ▶︎ 04 YEAR y: full 4 digit year ▶︎ 1999 Y: 2 digit year ▶︎ 99 DAY d: day of month ▶︎ 9 D: two-digit day of month (zero-padded) ▶︎ 09 W: full name of weekday ▶︎ Tuesday w: three-char name of weekday ▶︎ Tue TIME H: hour on 12-hour clock (use with p) ▶︎ 8 h: hour on 24-hour clock (zero-padded) ▶︎ 08 p: the AM or PM of the hour ▶︎ AM mm: minute (zero-padded) ▶︎ 01
For an informal 3/12/17 : use "m/d/Y"
For a neater, zero-padded 03/12/17 : use "M0/D/Y"
For a more formal and sortable 2017.03.12 : use "y.M0.D"
For a diary-esque 日曜日, 3月 12 : use "W, MM d"
The definitive description of date formats can be found in Mark Anderson’s aTbRef.