The Tree of Widsdom



Type: Display expression

This display expression

  • optionally prepends $SiblingOrder to the displayed name—in effect numbering the note. To make all notes inside a container display their number, just add $DENum=1 to its $OnAdd action.
  • prepends Proticons in case there is LinkMap data
  • optionally prepends the date to the displayed name. The two dates are separate so you can set their formatting differently, to let yourself know if its date has been manually set.
  • optionally appends $DescendantCount to the displayed name
  • optionally appends Bips to the displayed name to indicate the presence of DevonTHINK- and web-links.

Display expression

(if($DENum){$SiblingOrder(original) + ". "}) + (if($DEIcon){(if($blogMapGraffle){"❎↗️ "}) + (if($blogMapJPG){"✴️" + (if($outSource){"🔡 "}else{"↗️ "})})}) + (if($DEDate & (descendedFrom("Blog POSTS") | descendedFrom("Blog PAGES"))){(if($StartDate){$StartDate.format("y.M0.D hmm ")}else{$Created.format("y.M0.D ")})}) + $Name + (if($ChildCount & $DECount){" (" + $DescendantCount + ")"}) + (if($DEBips){"  " + (if($blogExpOpt){if($blogExpOpt.contains(COMPILE)){"⤓"}; + if($blogExpOpt.contains(NOKIDS)){"⬒"}; + if($blogExpOpt.contains(COLUMNS)){"⸬"}; + if($blogExpOpt.contains(BLOCKS)){"⧈"}; + " "}) + if($blogImage){"🎆"}; + if($DTSource){"🌀"}; + if($DTItem){"↙️"}; + if($ReferenceURL){"📜"}; + if($URL){"↗️"};})