The Tree of Widsdom



Type: Display expression

This display expression is like c_DE_norm except it prepends a Proticon, the first author’s last name, the publication year in parentheses, and the article title in double quotes. The $Name of the note—the upshot of your citation, not the article name—appears in square brackets.

Display expression

(if($DENum){$SiblingOrder + ". "}) + (if($DEIcon){"📄 "}) + (if($Authors){firstWord($",","") + " "}) + (if($DueDate){"(" + $DueDate.year + ") "}) + (if($myPubTitle){"“" + $myPubTitle + "” "}) + (if($Name){"[" + $Name + "]"}) + (if($ChildCount & $DECount){" (" + $DescendantCount + ")"}) + (if($DEBips){"  " + (if($blogExpOpt){if($blogExpOpt.contains(COMPILE)){"⤓"}; + if($blogExpOpt.contains(NOKIDS)){"⬒"}; + if($blogExpOpt.contains(COLUMNS)){"⸬"}; + if($blogExpOpt.contains(BLOCKS)){"⧈"}; + " "}) + if($blogImage){"🎆"}; + if($DTSource){"🌀"}; + if($DTItem){"↙️"}; + if($ReferenceURL){"📜"}; + if($URL){"↗️"};})