The Tree of Widsdom


Utility notes in agent $DisplayExpression

When you make a new agent inside the Agents container note, it receives a special display expression that shows its status. All BoxPress agents show at least two things:

  • Their “priority” or run-status (i.e., if they’re running or not). Running agents begin with a @; dormant ones begin with .
  • Second, they show their $ChildCount (i.e., how many aliases have met the query and been collected).

This is true because every note added to Agents is assigned a special display expression, which you can find inside the /UTILITY/Code/DE for agents note.

  • c_agent_DE—Shows $AgentPriority and $ChildCount.
  • c_agentText_DE—Certain agents use their text as part of their query. For these, use c_agentText_DE. It displays the value of the agent’s $Text in its display name.
  • c_agentFind_DE—This expression shows both the string to find and the container in which it will search.
  • c_agentTag_DE—Shows the $searchTag and the count of matches.
  • c_agentDateRange_DE—This expression shows a date range.

BoxPress has already made convenience agents that do these tasks for you.