The Tree of Widsdom


@Query: attribute

Type: Agent

Actual name: agentEasyQuery

Here is a quick way to find various values for an attribute.

  • To set the attribute, hit <kbd>⌥⌘I</kbd> and set the first word in the Query textfield to the attribute you want to query.
  •  To set the value you are looking for, enter it in the text window.

The display name of the agent will update automatically.

Query only


The agent’s display expression is set by c_agentQuery_DE:


(if($AgentPriority!=-1){"@"}else{"• "}) + substr($AgentQuery, 1, ($AgentQuery.find("icontains"))-2) + " icontains " + "'" + $Text + "' [" + $ChildCount + "]"