@Find 'string' in 'container'
Type: Agent
Actual name: agentFind
This agent collects notes inside of container whose text contains string—both are conveniently set by typing them into the text window.
Enter string as the first paragraph and container as the second.
Query only
descendedFrom($Text(agent).split("\n").at(1)) &$Text.contains($Text(agent).split("\n").at(0))
Thus if you type this:
… the result will be this:
The agent’s display expression is set by c_agentFind_DE:
Display expression
(if($AgentPriority!=-1){"@"}else{"• "}) + "Find " + "'" + ($Text.split("\n").at(0)) + "' in '" + ($Text.split("\n").at(1)) + "' [" + $ChildCount + "]"