The Tree of Widsdom


@Created= date1 – date2

Type: Agent

Actual name: agentCreatedRange

Finds all notes inside BlogTopNote created between date1 and date2. Make date1 and date2 the first two paragraphs in your note.

Query only

($Created>=$Text(agent).split("\n").at(0)) & ($Created<=$Text(agent).split("\n").at(1))

Thus if you type this:

To find all notes created between June 8th and June 9th, type this.
To find all notes created between June 8th and June 9th, type this.

… the result will be this:

Notice the agent’s nice display expression again.
Notice the agent’s nice display expression again.

The agent’s display expression is set by c_agentCreatedRange_DE:

Display expression

(if($AgentPriority!=-1){"@"}else{"• "}) + "Created= " + firstWord($Text).split("/").at(0) + "/" + firstWord($Text).split("/").at(1) + " - " + lastWord($Text).split("/").at(0) + "/" + lastWord($Text).split("/").at(1) + " [" + $ChildCount + "]"