Blog POSTS → Posts/
The Blog Posts note exports as the Posts/ folder, which contains category notes and folders having identical names. The name is set in $HTMLExportFileName
. There is no Posts.html file.
These folders, in turn, contain your posts, and possibly folders having identical names in case there are note with $blogExpOpt
set to footnote or whose $blogReady
has been manually set to true.
Category notes are special notes of prototype cat_note. Code in the template bstMainPage exports cat-notes with the note’s name inside a well along with a list of subordinate posts. Below the well are truncated (50-word) versions that are exported with code from bstTruncPost.
The export code from bstMainPage:
^if($Prototype=="cat_note")^ <!-- Prototype==cat_note --> ^action($blogBkgOpt(bstVAR)=$blogBkgOpt)^ <section class="post-toc well"> <h3>Category: ^do(PostTitle)^</h3> <ul>^children(bstReadyPost_li)^</ul> </section> ^children(bstTruncPost)^ ^endIf^
The result looks like this:
This is how a cat-note exports:
Post notes are notes of one of the “content” prototypes—normal_note, audio_note, quote_note, and quote_ana_note. Code in the template bstPost exports content notes according to their prototype. A typical normal_note export:
This is how a normal-note exports: