The Tree of Widsdom


SmartExpression toggler stamps

Smart, modular, stamp-governed display expressions
The BoxPress SmartExpression togglers
The BoxPress SmartExpression togglers

The parts are not toggled between on and off, but between default and non-default—so that they once again become transparent to the value of their prototype.

Your $DisplayExpression stamps are listed in the same order as the SmartExpression segments.

⬍ Show Num 
⬍ Show Proticon 
⬍ Show Date 
⬍ Show Count 
⬍ Show Bips

Just select the notes you want to affect and run the appropriate stamp. To affect all notes of a particular prototype, run the stamp on that prototype. To affect all notes period, run the stamp on normal_note.

To restore any modified notes to their default display expression, select them and run the stamp.

For the full list of SmartExpression Togglers, see here.

The Bronze Age of display handling

Typing your display expression into a tiny field

The Silver Age of display handling

Using eval() to reference a utility note

The Golden Age of display handling

The BoxPress SmartExpression: modular and stamp-governed