The Tree of Widsdom


Prototype: person_note

An instance of person_note will prepend a biographical (or other) date-range to the exported title of the note from the values you enter:

  •  To export a single date, assign $StartDate.
  •  To export a date span, assign $StartDate and $EndDate.
  •  To carry a span inside the note (which you may extract or store for other purposes) but override it with a single one on export, assign $DueDate and give the span to $StartDate$EndDate. For example, you can use the latter to hold the biographical span the former for date of publication.

Map View will display the date(s) in its subtitle, along with $blogSubtitle, $mySpec1, and $mySpec2. If you are using Map View to make a FillMap or a LinkMap, keep $DEDate off to avoid redundancy. For organizing lots of note in Outline View, turn it on.

Key Attributes

Person-note key attributes for the first note (below).
Person-note key attributes for the first note (below).

Map View

Person-notes inside Map View. For demo purposes I have turned $DEDate on for the second note by selecting it and running the ^do(Stamp, ⬍ Show Date)^ stamp. Since date info is constructed into $Subtitle, this is redundant here.
Person-notes inside Map View. For demo purposes I have turned $DEDate on for the second note by selecting it and running the stamp. Since date info is constructed into $Subtitle, this is redundant here.
Person-notes inside Outline View. For demo purposes I have turned $DEDate on for the second note. To toggle the prepended date for all person-notes, run the ^do(Stamp, ⬍ Show Date)^ stamp on the person_note prototype; for all notes generally, run it on normal_note.
Person-notes inside Outline View. For demo purposes I have turned $DEDate on for the second note. To toggle the prepended date for all person-notes, run the stamp on the person_note prototype; for all notes generally, run it on normal_note.


SmartButtons automatically show the note’s featured image, which you assign by entering the image’s filename into the $blogImage key attribute:

I am a sample person_note with image

1547 – 1637

I am a sample person_note

1547 – 1637


I am a sample person_note

(1547 – 1637)

English follower of Paracelsus. People have the qualities of a magnet and that when two people meet, an interactive magnetic field arises.


Here you can see how the first note above exports as a webpage:

person_note with $blogImage
