The Tree of Widsdom


Q: What are SmartButtons?

The typical way of listing subsequent sections of a webpage is to place a list of links at the bottom. But Tinderbox is Tinderbox—a world wherein notes are not simply rich text but also structs of variables that include weblinks, dates, images, journal titles, authors, rating, and anything else that can be tied to a variable (i.e., anything).

A SmartButton is the BoxPress alternative to the traditional link. A SmartButton is an informative button that changes its appearance according to the child note’s prototype and attributes.

SmartButtons automatically indicate a lot of information:

  •  If the note is worth clicking on, it is light blue; else, gray.
  • If the note has a featured image ($blogImage is set), the image is displayed as a thumbnail on the left. If the image has a Glyphicon ($blogGlyph is set), the glyph is shown instead.
  • If the note has neither of these, it is a plain button.

For example, a person-note will show biographical information and a thumbnail portrait; an event-note, event information; a quote-note, brief citation information; an article-note, lengthier journal citation information; a code-note, command syntax; and so on.

The BoxPress SmartButton is a natural analog of the Tinderbox note as a struct or cluster of connected information. Exporting your children as SmartButtons provides a vastly superior user experience over a mere list of links.